Sunday, June 14, 2009

Just another example

Gary's thoughts...
The House of Representatives easily approved legislation June 10 despite warnings it would empower the State Department to promote abortion and homosexuality in other countries. The House voted 235-187 for the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, H.R. 2410, which permits funding for the State Department and other entities for the next two years. As Republicans we have decided that the party needs to get back to it's conservative values and clean up the mess being made by all the liberals disquised as conservatives in the party. This bill is just another example of republican representation giving us the same old Washington. Seven republicans( Judith Biggert, Michael Castle, Charles Dent, Jo Ann Emerson, Mark Kirk, Leonard Lance, John McHugh) voted for this bill that will promote abortion and homosexuality and with all the other pork this bill will cost each one us $138. This continually goes on day after day and so many pay no attention. If people payed as much attention to what is going on in Washington as they do baseball stats, what Hollywood star is sleeping with who we could actually turn this ship around. Until people from Ashtabula County, the state of Ohio and everyone around the USA gets their head out of their butt we will continue to destroy our neighborhoods, cities, state and country.
Don't take my word on it check out the numbers for yourself.

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